This is a story about being close to nature and learning exciting secrets of natural dyes.
About ten years ago, it was just a hobby to paint silk scarves for myself and my beloved. When  I was introduced to the ancient traditions of natural textile dyeing as a part of national cultural heritage, I can not imagine that those bits of knowledge will change my life completely.
I was caught in a whirlwind of knowledge and experimentation, trying out both my grand grandmother's recipes, recipes described in folklore and old books, as well reading scientific articles in chemistry and modern textile dyeing... I get confused for many times, spent plenty of time and resources to create what I have now.
I have my small Arts&Crafts Studio located in the beautiful and picturesque country Latvia. It is especially interesting that the studio is located both in the city and in the magnificent pine forest. Yes, we have a forest in the city, and I have a studio in this forest...
I will be happy to make exciting textile projects for you!
Let's start!